Tuesday 6 October 2015

Learning To Edit With Adobe Premiere Pro

In the previous lesson we were introduced to the basics of Adobe Premiere Pro - this was the first time I had ever used an editing programme. 

I have learnt:

- How to import clips and audio into Adobe Premiere Pro.
- How to navigate through the video.
- How to crop clips and move them into different locations on the timeline.
- How to use the razor tool to create precise cuts.
- What keys are shortcuts to control/do different things.
- How to add transitions and effects onto my project. 
- How to render and export my project. 

I also managed to work out things for myself including how to adjust audio and add in music. I solved some problems as well, for example, the box in the right hand corner wasn't showing the whole image so I played around with the settings and sorted it out.

Here is the final clip:

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