Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Research: The Importance Of Opening Titles

By studying the opening titles on http://www.artofthetitle.com I was able to increase my knowledge on how, within the very first few minutes, the genre and tone of the film is presented through visual elements, the use of sound and typography. I also developed my understanding in the significance that the titles/names are displayed.

By analysing the opening scene to 'SE7EN' I was able to further increase my comprehension of opening titles and also was able to complete more research on codes and conventions within the first few minutes of a horror film.

Title Structure

By recording all of the names and titles within a list, I was able to identify important parts about the structure of the opening scene: The title is often shown multiple times, the main actors/actresses name's are displayed vey near the beginning and the producers/directors name's are usually shown at the end of the opening titles.

Visual Elements

For this, my focus was on the elements that I could see. These were mainly components of mise-en-scene (things that are visible within the shot).

Elements of Sound

I shut my eyes, and just listened to the music - both diagetic and non-diagetic. For diagetic sound I was focused on what kind of mood was emphasised and for non-diagetic sound I paid attention to the pace, volume and pitch of the music.


By analysing the typography, I was able to notice the effect of using different fonts and sizes for various titles/names. I also noted how the text moved, for example, whether it jittered or enlarged.

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